
Ikea Billy Cabinets and Modding

*Images are linked as spoilers may contain mild nsfw*

The ever popular billy, some prefer detolf's for the value, and some go hardcore with jewellery cases and wall mounted cabinets.

After recently moving and dragging my detolfs with me I decided to make the switch to billys with mordlien glass as I've seen it as a popular alternate, and I would like to know more from some of you on here.

What did you do to it?

what made it way better for you?

What backfired on you?

What Turned Out To Be A Major Pain?

Not knowing if i was going to like it or not I started with two, and having the 365 day return policy now at ikea Canada it was a no risk trial.
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Right of the bat I attempted to dust proof this thing as I'm crazy when it comes to dust, and I hate the eversome dread of potential damage during cleaning.

What I did
After adjusting the doors to the smallest gap I noticed the handles protrude about 1.5mm and leave about a 3mm gap between the glass....
So I moved them up to the top of the doors:
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With that out of the way I adjusted them further to the max and it left just over a 1mm gap. So what did I do?
Filled the gap with 1.2mm Felt Tape by sticking to the inner portion of the left doors for a perfect press fit seal

And it works like a charm.
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And as for the big gaps at the top bottom and sides of the doors?
I adjusted the doors as close as possible inwards, and installed 9mm tall weather stripping on the tops and bottoms of the door areas, aswell as 3mm tall stripping in the doors side gaps.
Weather Stripping:
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Aside from that I did the Glass Billy Shelving and I'm trying to find a way to get the centre support shelf swapped for thick cut/ drilled shower glass.

As for lighting I'm probably going to go with LED Spotlights rather than strip lighting.

With me out of the way,

What did YOU Do?

What did You Like/Hate?

No clue if there was threads for this already or not >.>

Good for you if you noticed the little Easter egg I planted in one of the Pictures.

Happy Hording During the Holidays.


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-07-29